Welcome to Inktober

I hardly need to explain that it’s been a bit of a Year.

I’m not going to get around to drawing something for every day of Inktober; I never do, and I have even less free time this year (essential workers get to remain employed, but we also don’t get to stay inside). I did want to make *something* as a little nod to the spooky season, though, and I managed to get a day off this week … so without further ado, here’s some kind of semi-skeletal baboon-wildebeest-giraffe abomination I freehanded over the course of listening to three episodes of Welcome to Night Vale.

I was going to give it four limbs, like I do with most mammalian things I draw, but I was 100% making it up as I went, and that left rear leg just didn’t feel like it wanted to go any further. This caused a little visual noise, but also provided a place to show off the requisite long tufty tail (why would you choose not to add a long tufty tail if you have the option to do so?). I have no reasoning for why I gave it rings on its left hand at the last minute, except that I like rings and the gross monkey hand needed some decoration.

Hang in there everyone; don’t work too hard, don’t give up entirely, just do what you can to make things a little more okay for you and the people around you.

Everybody scream….

Song: Baby, You’re a Haunted House — Gerard Way

Plant: Hedera helix


Just some English Ivy on an old brick wall … also, thx Gerard for continuing to mess with us.

Song: Shallow City — Handsome Ghost

Plant: Petunia sp.


Okay, we can agree that everyone loves those black petunias right? If I could keep plants alive I would 100% have black petunias. Anyhow, this one mentions sidewalks and concrete and wearing black, so … when I think of dark-colored plants that grow in sidewalk cracks, this is what I end up with.


Plant: Viscum album


Honestly I suppose bindweed would have been the best choice for this one, but the moment I listened to it in the context of this drawing challenge I knew I wanted to do mistletoe.

Happy Halloween!